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32/5000 send KO mail via AWS SES

Under Consideration Mr V. 23/06/2020 - 13:55

Hi everyone, I have configured the SMTP settings for sending mail and ntoification through the AWS (SES) service. The connection test is successful, but the emails do not start.
Has anyone had the same problem? Can you help me?

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Wisecp Official Response

23/06/2020 - 14:28


The standard SMTP system works with the "PHPMailer" library. You should ensure that the smtp information you use is compatible with "PHPMailer" and that you can send an email through any smtp form.

Mr V.

28/06/2020 - 00:29

I solved it by configuring msmtp on the server.
Now I just have to refine the sender, as the email appears and not the Alias Name


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