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Additional Currency Settings | Auto Conversion Rate Settings

Under Consideration Ratu Cloud LLC 16/04/2024 - 16:33

I would like to request some additional options in the currency topic.

For me it would be very nice, if it would be possible to set the decimals used for updating the currency.

1$ = 0.94568 €
Changable to:
1$ = 0.94 €

Also it would be nice to provide an extra option for each currency to enable or disable to auto conversion rate update.
This enables users, to have two main currencies.

For Example (if enabled $, € and IDR):
$ = Main currency, so conversion 1 fixed
IDR = Secondary currency, so auto conversion enabled
€ = Secondary currency but auto conversion rate disabled and manually set to 1, which makes it automatically also a main price driving currency but in another customer location

A simple switch in the settings for the currency which enables or disables to be affected by the auto conversion rate update.

Thank you =)

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