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Hetzner Module, addon requirement for the 5 locations

Under Consideration Stefan J. 19/05/2023 - 14:56

We are now using the Hetzner module and are very pleased with the extensive range of functions. Good work :-)
However, Hetzner offers 5 location with cloud servers. The way wiseCP works, I would therefore have to create each server 5 times as a product for each location. That's a lot of work.

Is it possible with an addon requirement to select the location of the server when during the ordering?

That would make a lot of things easier.
(21 products x 5 locations = 105 products to manage and mantain)
Thank you

Comments (2)

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Manos P.

10/01/2024 - 14:35

I believe this is a must have!

Stefan J.

27/12/2023 - 03:11

bumb +1

"order request"-field for all 5 Hetzner Locations for your Hetzner Cloud module


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