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information on Cancellation of services

Under Consideration AH 29/08/2020 - 19:32

it is very important for the Services to be canceled and the system to describe why the customer's service was canceled.

WISECP only cancels services with cron, both manual cancellation and whatever it is should there be diveferencia. in the case of cancellation of a service without payment, the System should describe indicating the reason why the system was canceled.

Let's unite and contribute to our powerful WISECP I love this wonder, I hope this resource. if they analyze it just cancels and does not notify if it was canceled due to late payment

on the other hand, look for cron better.

example when choosing the form of payment bank transfer the customer informs that that invoice was paid, however when defining 4 to 3 days of cancellation the system should put the service that is pending for unpaid status and not cancel the invoice or the service is an error, it would only be necessary to change the status of the pending order to unpaid, so the system is sent notifications for the same to pay the invoice. I notice that the system only sends charges when the invoice is not paid, this feature is important and it is a serious mistake.

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