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Part Payments

Under Consideration CritchCorp Computers Ltd 23/06/2023 - 21:08

Please make the billing system able to accept part payments. This is critical as sometimes customers read the numbers wrong and pay the wrong amount. I.E. invoice for 84.59, they pay 84.95, or they pay 48.59. In the first case I need pay the invoice off and then add the over payment to the next invoice, or as agreed with the customer another of their invokes, this would be a part payment to the next invoice of 0.36 to the next/other invoice. The reminders that go out would then, hopefully, show the outstanding amount on the invoice. The same in the second case above, where they have made an under payment of 36.36. Part payments could be shown in a line under the main part of the invoice, showing the date, method and amount of payment.

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