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Support for VPS providers (Digital Ocean, Kamatera, Vultr..)

Completed Fernando B. 14/10/2022 - 00:54

I'd love to sell virtual servers (VPS) and manage them (upgrade, backup, etc.) directly from WiseCP. The most common providers that I use are Digital Ocean, Vultr and Kamatera.

It would be a huge success!

Comments (4)

Wisecp Official Response

04/01/2023 - 11:26


In our checks, all modules related to this feature request are now available. You can access the modules via the links below.

Thank you for your interest.



We have already released Vultr module, Digital Ocean is in pipe line whereas we have already started working on Kamatera WISECP Module


Joel H.

28/12/2022 - 12:56


Do you plan on adding additional features to the Vultr module?

Do you offer an open source version of the software?

What's the difference between your software ) and this one ? )

Also, do you have any additional screenshots you can include before I purchase the module? For example, can users manage their own servers/view the console, etc?

Many thanks!


We are making available of all our module for WISECP as part of that we did it for Vultr and so on.

Yes, the module have additional features with low cost.

No we do not offer Open source version of the module.

Yes, user can manage the VPS as well as see noVNC console


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